Team Coastal Bend envisions a place where 1) mobility options are provided for all by way of an integrated, multi-modal system that safely moves people—not just vehicle—of all ages and abilities, 2) healthy, safe, connected, and diverse neighborhoods are people-scaled, support a mix of land uses, and are connected to key destinations by a variety of modes, and 3) innovative freight management solutions support the continued growth of regional industry without unintended consequences for the transportation experience and quality of life in our communities. The team is seeking guidance to address the following challenges:
- Backlog of Maintenance Needs – Greenfield development on the southern margin of the city along with a significant backlog of maintenance needs for existing surface transportation infrastructure has resulted in budget shortfalls and virtually no financial capacity or political will to invest in innovative elements
- Strong Driving Culture – Strong sense of independence and driving culture limit openness to transit/non-vehicular modes and propagates the “just in case” mentality of private vehicle ownership
- Increasing Freight Demand – Relatively high volume of freight traffic creates complex safety and infrastructure challenges