Meet the Judges

Darran Anderson

Texas Department of Transportation
Director of Strategy and Innovation

Caroline Mays

Director of Planning and Modal Programs

Kirk Steudle

Steudle Executive Group

David Zipper

MIT Mobility Initiative
Senior Fellow

Lora Byala

Foursquare ITP
President and CEO

Team Presentations



TxDOT is pleased to announce up to three winners at the 2024 Texas Innovation Invitational. Winners will receive the prestigious STAR award and recognition

Eligible projects will be submitted to TxDOT for consideration for the State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC)incentive annual program and an opportunity to receive up to $125,000 in grant funds. Twenty percent matching funds will be provided by a state-designated passthrough entity (e.g.,TxDOT).

How to launch an Innovation Zone

Innovation Zone Guidelines

An Innovation Zone is a district where stakeholders collaborate to test, deploy, and scale creative transportation solutions.

Why Innovation Zones?
The Texas population is booming and new technologies are available to make the roads safer, reduce congestion, increase accessibility, and optimize limited resources. An Innovation Zone will enable your region to test advanced technologies locally while gaining valuable lessons learned from other Innovation Zones around the state.

What are the benefits? Innovation Zones will enable your region to readily deploy advanced mobility technologies, partner with local community and industry leaders, and compete for federal funding.

    Identify regional stakeholders (city, transit, TxDOT, county, port, university, etc.) who will collaborate to develop an Innovation Zone.

  • MAY - JUNE
    Schedule a time to meet with Alliance staff, identify/prioritize potential locations, and develop ideas for your Innovation Zone.

  • JULY 17-19
    Teams attend the Innovation Invitational in Austin where your team presents ideas, develop partnerships, and advance development of Innovation Zone concepts.

    Teams meet locally to debrief, incorporate ideas from the Innovation Invitational, and prepare presentations

    Teams present Innovation Zone concepts to TxDOT leadership and a panel of experts. Winners selected and receive recognition at Fall Texas Technology Task Force Meeting and on TxDOT's website.

© 2023 Texas Innovation Alliance.
All rights reserved.
July 17- 19