Steve Novosad

V2X and Emerging Technology Specialist
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Mr. Novosad is a V2X and Emerging Technology Specialist for HNTB. He works in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Vehicle to Everything (V2X), and System and Software Implementations. He has over 40 years of experience in systems and software implementations. He has over 25 years of ITS experience and over 20 years of V2X experience. He supports clients in the planning, implementation, and deployment of ITS, V2X, and Advanced Transportation Management Systems. He is member of ITS America’s V2X and Connected Transportation technical committee. He is the Vice Chair of the OmniAir Consortium and sits on multiple V2X committees. He supports the Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority, Florida Department of Transportation, and Georgia Department of Transportation in V2X activities.

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July 17- 19